Eight years have passed since Boris Nemtsov’s assassination in downtown Moscow. Nemtsov was a former Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, a political activist, and a reformer; someone who devoted his life to improving the lives of his fellow citizens. He was fearless and outspoken, andhis civic commitment has continued to be an inspiration for other pro-democracy politicians andhuman rights defenders, such as Aleksey Navalny and Vladimir Kara-Murza.
Although the Kremlin continues to intensify its campaign of repression, Navalny, Kara-Murza, and hundreds of other political prisoners remain stalwart advocates for a freer, more democratic Russia. Today, as we pay homage to Boris Nemtsov and his legacy, we also recognize those brave Russians who continue to work in the face of severe repression for a better future for their country.
Official news published at https://www.state.gov/honoring-boris-nemtsov/
originally published at Politics - Social Gov