SECRETARY BLINKEN: It’s great to be with you, as always. And I’m just so pleased to be able to spend time with the foreign minister. Indonesia had a very successful leadership of the G20 last year. Now we’re in the process of the active handover to our friends in India, but it’s a strong agenda that it’s following up on, a number of things that Indonesia focused on and initiated. And of course, critical leadership of ASEAN. This year we’re working very closely together, and a good opportunity to compare notes both on the G20, on ASEAN, as well as the very strong strategic partnership that we have between Indonesia and the United States on the many, many issues of common interest and common concern.
So I’m glad for the time to catch up.
FOREIGN MINISTER MARSUDI: Well, thank you very much, Secretary Blinken, for having this meeting. And thank you very much also for your strong support during the presidency of Indonesia in G20 last year. And of course, this year is the chairmanship of Indonesia in ASEAN, and we look forward to work with you again to strengthen the bilateral relationship with the U.S. and ASEAN. I’m quite sure that you will support the chairmanship of Indonesia in ASEAN, and you will support the centrality of ASEAN.
FOREIGN MINISTER MARSUDI: And we are also strategic partners, so we’re looking forward to working with you, both on the bilateral issues as well as the pressing global issues.
So once again, thank you very much for this meeting.
Official news published at https://www.state.gov/secretary-antony-j-blinken-and-indonesian-foreign-minister-retno-marsudi-before-their-meeting-5/
originally published at Politics - Social Gov