March 4, 2025
International Urs Mubarak Commemorates the Life and Legacy of Hazrat El Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gillani
International Urs Mubarak Commemorates the Life and Legacy of Hazrat El Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah GillaniSheikh Syed Noorul Hussein Shah Gillani (right) tours the grounds of the Holy Darbar with...

Sheikh Syed Noorul Hussein Shah Gillani (right) tours the grounds of the Holy Darbar with keynote speaker Syed Israr ul Hassan (middle) and Dewan Ahmad Masood Chishti (left) who delivered the closing dua of the Urs program.

The sons and Talibs of Hazrat El Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gillani carry the beautifully hand-embroidered chaddar to his Holy Darbar.

Sheikh Syed Noorul Hussein Shah Gillani and Sheikha Umm Noor Shah Gillani hosts Syed Israr ul Hassan and other honored guests of the Urs Shareef.

Love Allah Subhana wa Ta ‘ala without any conditions.”

— Sheikh Syed Noorul Hussein Shah Gillani

HANCOCK , NY, USA, April 17, 2024 / — Scholars, honored guests and devotees of Hazrat El Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gillani (ra) gathered from all corners of the globe on Sunday, April 14, 2024, in Lahore, Pakistan to honor and commemorate the third Urs Shareef marking the passing of this esteemed wali, friend, of Almighty Allah. Followers of Hazrat El Sheikh Gillani (ra), hailing from multiple regions of the world including Pakistan, the United States, Canada, North Africa, and West Africa, embarked on a journey of faith and devotion to participate in this sacred gathering through remembrance and spiritual enrichment. The Urs, deeply rooted in spiritual reverence, stirred the hearts of all who attended in person and on the global live stream as they watched Sufi Kalam, recitation of Holy Quran, salawat upon the Holy Last Messenger (peace be upon him), melodious Nasheed performances, and heartfelt speeches dedicated to the legacy and life mission of Hazrat El Sheikh Gillani (ra).

The spiritual legacy of Hazrat El Sheikh Gillani (ra) was characterized by immense wisdom, compassion, and unwavering devotion to Allah. In an uplifting speech, Sheikh Syed Noorul Hussein Shah Gillani, son and successor of El Sheikh Gillani, exclaimed to the world to “Love Allah Subhana wa Ta ‘ala without any conditions”. These profound words resonated with onlookers and began to be quoted across multiple social media platforms originating thousands of miles away.

The keynote address was delivered by Syed Israr ul Hassan, a renowned speaker, Barrister, and educator, a B.A. (Hons) King’s College London, LLB; LPC College of Law UK; Barrister (England & Wales), Patron in Chief of the National Association of Private Schools and Director of Suluk Education System. Syed Israr ul Hassan is known for delivering beautiful accounts on the life of Ghazul Azam Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Gillani (ra), founder of the Sufi Qadriyyah tariqa, and also rich and informative talks on the historical significance of the life of Hazrat Ali bin Usman Al-Hujweri, known as Hazrat Data Ganj-Baksh.

Syed Israr ul Hassan’s poignant address captured the audience by first graciously thanking the hosts, the Gillani family, and “the most honorable Sheikha, the wife of the late Hazrat Sheikh Syed Mubarak Ali Shah Gillani.” He described the atmosphere when Sheikha Syeda Umm Noor Shah Gillani, the Khalifas and talibs of Hazrat El Sheikh Gillani hosted him in the private quarters of El Sheikh Gillani. “The aura of tranquillity that I have felt since I’ve come, the aura of peace that I have been bestowed with and blessed with… has been unparalleled” due to what he saw as genuine love of Rasulullah (peace be upon him). In his speech, Syed Israr ul Hassan passionately related the necessity to “build for the next life” but that the current condition of the ummah, and in particular, the youth is “an epoch full of distraction and confusion” due to a lack of clarity in understanding the purpose of life. He then exclaimed that Hazrat El Sheikh Gillani (ra) had shown the solution, to go to the Quran, “Your Sheikh whose example is the best example for you for the rest of your life, your Sheikh, he would go to the Quran”.

As Imam of The Muslims of America, Inc., the Urs of Hazrat El Sheikh Gillani (ra) drew Muslims from the United States and Canada who presented speeches and songs in both English and Arabic. In his speech, Honorable Khalifa Hussein Abu Bakr, Khalifa of The Muslims of America, recounted the hadith that says, “Behold! My Ahlul-Bayt are like the Ark of Noah. Whoever embarked in it was saved, and whoever turned away from it was perished” (Tirmidhi). Honorable Khalifa Hussein spoke of the coming of El Sheikh Gillani (ra) as foretold by his grandfather, Syed Inayat Ali Shah Gillani (ra) who said that very soon a baby boy would be born that would reignite the lamp of the Qadri Silsila, and his name will be Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gillani. “One of the miraculous things about a Mujadid”, said Honorable Khalifa Hussein, “is that even when he returns to Allah Subhana wa ta ‘ala, his teachings carry on”.

Hafiz Hassan Ali Qadri, an American talib, delivered an inspirational speech in both Arabic and English where he explored the fact that “guidance from Allah Subhanau wa ta ‘ala did not end with wisal of Nabi Muhammad (peace be upon him)”, but is infinite until Yaumul Qiyamah. This is evident, he explained, in that Allah commands Muslims daily in prayer to “guide us to the Straight Path”. He shared an account of the origin of The Muslims of America, wherein the founding generation of mothers and fathers called out to Allah Subhana wa ta ‘ala for hedeya, guidance, and Allah Subhana wa ta ‘ala sent El Sheikh Gillani in direct answer to their dua. “He came to us with sincerity, with true caring for us…when a person asks for hedeya from Allah Subhana wa ta ‘ala, Allah sends them ilm, and El Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gillani came with ilm, he came with Noor.” Hafiz Hassan Ali Qadri offered further explanation through ayah 16 of Suratul Maida, “By which Allāh guides those who pursue His pleasure to the ways of peace and brings them out from darkness into the light, by His permission, and guides them to a straight path.” “If you want to know the physical manifestation of this ayah, look at El Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gillani…his impact was not only in America, but his impact is across all communities, he stood firm… he did not let his faith waiver.”

Special guests included Col. (R) Aejaz Ali Gillani, Syed Jafr Shah Gillani Qadri Chishti, and Arsalan Memon. Memon was a representative of the well-known Pakistan leader Muhammad Mian Soomro who was instrumental in facilitating collaboration with the American Muslim Medical Relief Team (AMMRT) to deliver life-saving aid to victims of the devastating Sindh floods. Special guest Diwan Ahmad Masood Chishti, custodian of the Dargah of Baba Fareed Ganj Shakkar, made the beautiful closing dua.

Muhammad Matthew Gardner
The Muslims of America Inc.
+1 (434) 352-1166
[email protected]

Article originally published on as International Urs Mubarak Commemorates the Life and Legacy of Hazrat El Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gillani

originally published at HUMAN RIGHTS - USA DAILY NEWS 24