April 17, 2014 WASHINGTON, DC—The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum expressed grave concern about the antisemitic flyer circulating in Donetsk, Ukraine, that states that all Jewish citizens need to register with local authorities. While the flyer’s author and motives remain unclear, the history of violence against Jews in the region makes the notice deeply troubling. Before […]
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April 17, 2014
WASHINGTON, DC—The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum expressed grave concern about the antisemitic flyer circulating in Donetsk, Ukraine, that states that all Jewish citizens need to register with local authorities. While the flyer’s author and motives remain unclear, the history of violence against Jews in the region makes the notice deeply troubling.
Before World War II, approximately 30,000 Jews lived in Donetsk. After the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, a large part of the Jewish population was evacuated by Soviet authorities. German troops entered the city on October 20, 1941. During the German occupation of Donetsk, several thousand remaining Jews were imprisoned in the ghetto established in the spring of 1942. When the ghetto was liquidated less than two months later, at least 3,000 Jews were murdered.
During the Holocaust, approximately 1.5 million Jews were murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators in the territory of Ukraine.
The Museum calls on all Ukrainians to denounce attempts to target Jews or other groups for persecution and violence.
A living memorial to the Holocaust, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum inspires citizens and leaders worldwide to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity. For more information, visit ushmm.org.
Content from United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Originally published at https://www.ushmm.org/information/press/press-releases/museum-statement-on-antisemitic-flyer-in-ukraine
The post Museum Statement on Antisemitic Flyer in Ukraine first appeared on Social Gov.
originally published at HUMAN RIGHTS - USA DAILY NEWS 24